Common questions
5 Lessons -
Bonus - Design engineering video series
6 Lessons -
This course is aimed at students and freshers who are interested in the career as a design engineer .
While working as a design engineer I have learnt a few things about the profession, the skills and knowledge do recruiters look for and general awareness about the career.
I would like to share those insights through this course for the benefit of aspirants.
This course would be helpful to working professionals too , who are looking to transition towards becoming design engineers .
Anyone who is interested in mechanical design can take the course to get the feel of type of work involved in developing products.
In the final section you get a Learning guide - mini ebook to guide your learning process.
Mufaddal Rasheed is a mechanical design engineer , inventor and online entrepreneur working towards building a comprehensive knowledge resource base for students and mechanical design professionals with focus on building skills and knowledge to design mechanical products
The goal is to build a comprehensive knowledge eco-system for mechanical design engineers and aspirants which would prepare an individual for engineering innovation and advance their careers in terms of knowledge.
Experienced professional with 7+ years experience in Automotive product development designing chassis and suspension systems and being part of multiple projects from concept to production.
He is passionate about mechanical design and innovation and writes regularly on Quora with a Top writer badge.
Core belief is that engineering is a lifelong learning process and for a designer it is "the more you know the better you design"
Working towards developing an alternate solution to the problems of engineering education and upskilling for economic growth.
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